Sunday, December 18, 2005

About FREN ---> dedicated to Yosie, NuQ & Giant

Posted by OP at 10:16 PM

And let your best be for your friends
If he must know the ebb of your tide,
Let him know its flood also
For what is your friend that you should seek him with hours to kill ??
See him always with hours to live
For it is his to fill your need,
But not your emptiness
And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter,
and sharing of pleasure
For in the dew of little things the heart
Its morning and is refreshed
(Kahlil Gibran… “The Propet” 1964 page 70)

F R E N’s…. (means Friends)

We are not talking ‘bout FREN now (stands for Faster Realiable Enjoyable Network) hehehehe. But it’s just about FRIENDS actually.
Realize or not, between 2 years… we had so many times to know each other, working together. Every single minute, every single hour, then every single day.. we become really good friends who treated each other nicely and sure teased each other a lot during the time. We had through a good and bad time together. Hikkksss ….!!

For without words, in friendship… all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born & shared, with joy that is unacklaimed. Don’t you feel that FRENs ???
(coz Yes.. I feel it !)

In our friendship case (not Frensip yah …), it’s not just about working environment. We usually hang out together, shared of thoughts & our romance stories (hehehe… :P). And sometimes we feel fed up and disappointed. But it’s natural !!! The point is appreciate each other even more.
We celebrate when one of us are excited (ex: Yosie’s wed party, or when JC has a new BF.. yippie !! hehehhehe), and also to share down of life with (still remember when bang Oyan lied down in hospital for a few weeks).

Yes… friends are to share feeling with…. Don’t think that you are friend only for the good time. Lend your friends a sympathetic ear and understand their feelings; celebrate happiness but also be a part of their sorrow. Give your friends regardless of how much they give to you. Never found the right words to say LOVE U ALL !!!!
We learn so many thing here. How to be polite, more patience, more tolerance with wisdom & courage.Remember : “kepuasan pelanggan menentukan pembayaran gaji anda”.

But FRENs, having you all is like a great gift. Light my life… color my ups.

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