Sunday, December 18, 2005

BIRTHDAY means...

Posted by OP at 10:35 PM

posted at on November 2004

Birthday does not mean that one is getting older
Birthday must not be always a party
Birthday does not mean a time to be sad,
butBirthday means a time to be cheerful
for the life that granted to us
Birthday means a session to remember the time we came to this world,
To thank for the love and cheerful that He had granted us until today
To remember that the sorrow is reminder

and a notice to wait for the happiness to come
So, be cheerful and be happy, as I was here ,
I am here andI will be here for you,
even though not physically be there,but my dearness and love to you,
will keep you warm at night, and cheerful in sorrow time.

Its all in the mind honey, its all in the hearth.



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