Saturday, December 17, 2005


Posted by OP at 1:30 AM


there are two opportunities
that can really break you down.
Yesterday and Tomorrow.
One is gone and the other doesn't exist.

Gw jadi ingat diz quote... gara2nya temen kantor gw--> Melly. Semalem dia bilang, "nih lihat gw nemu kata2 yang bagus banget.
Hiduplah kamu untuk hari ini." gitu kata dia.
Melly nemu kata2 itu di buku SANG ALKEMIS karangan "Paolo Coelho" yang lagi dia baca.

Kayaknya bukunya menarik juga. Mana ada embel2 "BEST SELLER" lagi. Gw musti baca tuh buku.Ngomongin soal buku dah lama gak beli buku baru. Terakhir gw beli Angels and Demons nya Dan Brown trus Teori Posmodernisme Nietszche... sebelumnya gw beli The Da Vinci Code. Gak nyambung nih.. dari LIVE TODAY jadi ngomongin buku :))

Mendingan talking 'bout LIFE. What do you think bout LIFE ??
You must be heard a song called "PANGGUNG SANDIWARA" hehehhehe.Yup !!!
Life is like a drama actually. And each of us has a part to play in it. It is entirely up to us what character we choose and how we perform our part. Individual performance decide the fate of the drama, wheter it will be a hit or a flop, and that is exactly what life is all about. How we play our part in the drama of life will speak for itself.If we want to be happy, don't let sadness overcome our happiness.

Coz happiness only comes if we make up our mind that we have to remain happy :D



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